Welcome to the New Term


We are looking forward to seeing you all back this term at Phonics Fun. Classes started today! We have two new afternoon classes starting in Buckinghamshire and a new nursery starting in Bromley. Hoping to meet a few new faces. Kate has recently joined the Phonics Fun team as a Phonics Fun franchisee, she will be delivering…


Pip the Penguin

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We all had lots of fun today helping Pip the Penguin sorting out his postcards that were in a bit of muddle. We walked beautifully like penguins, but our favourite activity was popping popcorn. There was lots of giggling as the popcorn started to pop and fill up the bowl. Perhaps Mums and Dads could…


Yoyo the yawning Yak

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Yo! Hope you enjoyed meeting Yoyo the yawning yak! Another great session at Phonics Fun this week. I think the children were all very proud of their yellow yoyos. Well done to all the Mums and helpers who helped us to get them tied and ready to play with, Yyyyyyippee! We decided on some yummy…


Hiccupping Hippo


We all loved the Hiccupping Hippo and got very hot today with all her hopping games and hula hooping. We even had a go at playing the harmonica. We had great fun drawing the shape with our magic boards – you could try it at home with chalk, crayons or even paint!  You could even…


The First Sound


We discovered today that even though we only know three sounds we can already read two words. We practised saying the sounds together faster and faster emphasising the first sound. We were amazed that we could read ‘ten’ and ‘net.’ Keep practicing everyone – finding objects at home and looking out for the letters on…


Welcome to the New Term


It was wonderful to welcome all our new smiling faces back for a new term of Phonics Fun. Lots of our Phonics Fun children have started school now and we hope they are showing off their sound knowledge. Luckily we had lots of new faces and a few returning who are not starting school for…


Introducing our new Phonics Fun teacher!


Vicki has recently joined the Phonics Fun team as our first Phonics Fun franchisee, she will be delivering Phonics Fun classes in the Marlow, Bourne End and Beaconsfield areas of Buckinghamshire from September. We are very excited about her joining our team and hope that she will get to meet some of you in her…